
A research which gives the sovereign the know-how of using battle formations. Each level opens access to 1 formation.


Traits of the Great people passed on from their parents. Every Great person inherits one trait from his father and one from his mother, chosen randomly. The Great person owns these two inborn talents from his birth to his death and they cannot be changed. The successor to the throne has 2 talents plus the special trait Successor. The Emperor also has one additional special talent - Emperor and may acquire the additional trait Disgraceful upon breaking the dynasty peace with another player.

For more information about talents click here.


A building available in all annexed provinces, colonies, trading and military posts, where you can play the lottery for winning extra gold.

The Tavern appears in the village right after you finish the Tutorial.


The way gold is earned. It is exacted only from hired population and has great impact on daily Happiness balance. The higher tax rate, the bigger Happiness losses.

Tax Collector  

One of the skills available to Governors upon leveling up. Increases the Gold generated from taxes. Level 1: +2% Gold; Level 2: +4% Gold; Level 3: +6% Gold; Level 4: +8% Gold; Level 5: +12% Gold

Tax free  

First tax level. No gold is earned. +5 Happiness per 24 hours.

Tax rate  

Tax level or the amount of gold exacted per hour. There are six tax rates in "The Great People".


Technologies are vital improvements that govern the advancement of both your economy, and your military. Their effects apply to your whole Empire. Their development is fragmented into levels. Each level enhances the technology's effect, which is global. According to their type, Technologies are researched in one of the universities: Economic Technologies are found in the University, while Military Technologies are located in the Military university. Technologies can also be researched in the two academies: the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Military Sciences.

Technology calculator  

An engine where you can insert your current level of a certain building/[[296research] and an Architecture/University/Military university/Academy of Sciences/Academy of Military Sciences level in order to calculate the price of a higher level. It is located in the Technology tree.

Technology tree  

The auxiliary tool which shows all the requirements for all levels of all Buildings and Technologies and all military units. It is situated in the footer menu below the Village map.


Population's religious refuge. It's the place the sovereign can visit every day and face gods' will towards his Empire, receiving or not a gift of max Happiness, decrease in research time, gold, resources or army. Resources and army's possible amount is equal to 1/2 ~ 32-hours income of your Empire income excluding the gold. A player can open one gift per 12 hours for free. But if he has already taken a free gift from the Temple at least 3 times, he will have the chance to open a second gift for the day for 680 diamonds. If he has already taken a gift for 680 diamonds at least 3 times, he will have the opportunity to open a third gift for the day for 2550 diamonds. If he has already taken a gift for 2550 diamonds at least 3 times, he will be able to open a fourth gift for the day for 4250 diamonds. If he has already taken a gift for 4250 diamonds at least 3 times, he will have access to a fifth gift for the day for 8330 diamonds. If he has already taken a gift for 8330 diamonds at least 3 times, he will have the opportunity for a sixth gift for the day for 16830 diamonds.


Any spot on the Global map which can be used for establishment of different administrative units or on which already existing objects lie and therefore can beconquered. A terrain may be neutral or can offer different modifiers, bonuses or negative effects according to its type.

For more information about terrains types and their effect click here

The Dark Fortress  

A Global Event in the Realms of Imperia Online. For more information about Global Events read here.

The Skull of Wonders  

A Global Event in the Realms of Imperia Online. For more information about Global Events read here.

Throne hall  

The place where the sovereign gathers all statistic data about all aspects of his Empire’s development: (income, expenses, workforce, production, all building and Technologies, army, conquered special resources).


In-game Competitions, which cover different aspects of the game:

Economic development;
Military development, attacks and enemy subjugation;
All other important aspects of the game.

Tournaments are divided into two main categories:

• Solo tournaments which require the sovereigns to reach personal achievements and results;
• Alliance tournaments, which require achieving goals with teammates.

Tournaments have levels of rarity - some tournaments will occur rarely but will be longer, containing greater rewards. The rewards are divided into milestones according to the achieved result and are given away at the end of every tournament.

The types of rewards can be:

Different items.

• The players in realms with speed x4 compete in cross-realm tournaments. In these tournaments, the players are distributed in groups, defined by their net worth points. This means that all players from these realms compete against each other instead of competing with players from their realm only, based on their net worth points.
• The players in realms with speed x10 compete against players from the realm only. They are not distributed in groups by net worth points.
• Group distribution is made only at the start of each tournament. If a player goes over or under the net worth points required for the group he was distributed in, he will not be moved to a different group until the tournament lasts.
(Group distribution is determined based on the net worth points of the account at the time of the first action to earn points in the tournament, when the group is actually assigned.)

* If there are not enough active players in the realm, а tournament will not take place.

Tower of Knowledge  

A Global Event in the Realms of Imperia Online. For more information about Global Events read here.


Military Building.
Type: Local, Add-on, Defensive Structure
Prerequisites: See below
Maximum Level: 24

Fortress add-on. During Fortress Assault, each Tower attacks the enemy units. A single Tower has 3000 Attack, and no Hit Points of its own. A Tower's Attack is spread proportionally between all of its targets.

If the Fortress is destroyed, so are all of its Towers. If the destroyed Fortress level is repaired, the Towers are repaired too.

Each Tower prioritizes enemy units as follows:
- Assault Line; if the defender's damage is enough to destroy the enemy Assault Line, the rest of it will spill over to the Battering Rams and Melee Infantry in the Frontline
- Artillery Line
- Archery Line
- Cavalry in the Frontline

Each Fortress can have a maximum number of Towers depending on its level, as follows:

Fortress Level 3 – 1 Tower
Fortress Level 4 – 2 Towers
Fortress Level 5 – 4 Towers
Fortress Level 6 – 6 Towers
Fortress Level 7 – 12 Towers
Fortress Level 8 – 18 Towers
Fortress Level 9 – 24 Towers
Fortress Level 10 – 24 Towers

When the Fortress is upgraded, all of its Towers are kept.

For more information about the Towers, click here.

Town hall  

The place from where all building are constructed.

Town Square  

Economic Building.
Type: Local
Maximum Level: 10

Allows you to hold Small or Big Festival which affects the Population Happiness in the Holding.
Each level grants 1 Happiness to the effect of Small Festival.
Each level grants 2 Happiness to the effect of Big Festival.


Technology that increases all holdings' trade potential. Each level gives a 2% increase. Trade also decreases Research Times for Market Relations, Trade logistics and Trade Administration.

Trade Administration  

А Technology that increases the number of trading posts on the Global map you can establish. Each level permits the foundation of one more trading post.

Trade balance  

The numerical summary of gold transfer history – executed gold transfers and received gold. When no gold is neither sent nor received, trade balance is 0, every sent amount is subtracted and every received amount added to trade balance number.

For more information about trade balance click here.

Trade commission  

Sale commission, deducted only when the offer is sold. Base trade commission – 40%, but it can be decreased thanks to the Market RelationsTechnology - with 2% per every level.

Trade Logistics  

А Technology that increases the distance from the Empire at which a trading post can be established. 1st level grants distance of 20 Imperial miles from the Capital. Each subsequent level grants an 8% increase over the previous level and additional 5 Miles to the radius.

Trade potential  

An abstract measurement which defines the possibility for a holding to earn additional gold which goes directly to the treasury. For annexed provinces the potential is calculated on the basis of population number of two adjacent provinces and the less populated holding determines the potential. The more villagers there are, the greater the potential. Trade potential cannot be utilized without the construction of imperial routes between provinces. Every level of an imperial route grants 10% utilization of the potential (of the less populated holding). Colonies follow the same principle, only you need to construct a trade route in order to use the potential.

For trading posts the potential is determined by the type of special resource it lays on.

For more information about Trade potential, click here.

Trade route  

A building which is constructed in colonies and trading posts. It plays the same role as imperial routes between annexed provinces. With every level the player will be able to use further 10% of the trading potential of the holding.

Trading post  

A holding on the Global map that occupies 1 point (1x1 IM) and can only be established on special resource terrains outside the exclusive zone. It can be adjacent to other player’s trading post, a colony, a military post or a vassal. It cannot share a border with the empire of another user. The special resource bonus affects the entire empire. The trade route building also grants additional gold from the trade potential.

For more information about the trading posts click here.


The process between the recruitment and the mobilization when ordinary villagers become courageous soldiers. The more elite the unit is the more time passes in training. Тraining time is decreased by 20% by activating Premium. Training groups show up in an icon in the right side of the Village map.

Training group  

Group of soldiers of the same type and class recruited at once. The number of training groups is increased by Military Doctrine’ level.

Transaction message  

A message informing about trade transaction results, such as: successfully sold offer or expired offer, and about gold transfer results, such as: successfully transferred gold to an ally or successfully received gold from an ally. Transaction messages arrive in grey envelopes and are saved in System tab of Messages menu, labeled Transactions.


Moving resources from one administrative unit to another. Transport can circulate among the provinces within the borders of the Exclusive zone or annexed provinces and other holdings of the player on the Global map.

Transport & build  

An option which allows the automatic transportation of resources required for a building in an annexed province/colony/trading or military post's directly from the capital and starting the construction right away with just one click. The following requirements must be met: the necessary resources are available in the capital and capital's Caravan Station capacity is enough to transport them at once or has reached the maximum level. The option is not available while the Empire is under enemy attack*.

*There is the following exception: This option is unlocked under attack when there is a drastic difference between the golden equivalent of the attacker's army and the gold equivalent of the net worth points of the defender.

Transport & Recruit  

An option which automatically transports the resources required for army recruitment in an annexed province from the capital and starts the training right away with just one click, if the following requirements are fulfilled: the necessary resources are available in the capital and capital's Caravan Station capacity is enough to transport them at once or has reached the maximum level. The option is not available while the Empire is under enemy attack*.

*There is the following exception: This option is unlocked under attack when there is a drastic difference between the golden equivalent of the attacker's army and the gold equivalent of the net worth points of the defender.

Transport & Upgrade  

An option which automatically transports the resources required for unit upgrade in an annexed province from the capital and starts the training right away with just one click, if the following requirements are fulfilled: the necessary resources are available in the capital and capital's Caravan Station capacity is enough to transport them at once or has reached the maximum level. The option is not available while the Empire is under enemy attack*.

*There is the following exception: This option is unlocked under attack when there is a drastic difference between the golden equivalent of the attacker's army and the gold equivalent of the net worth points of the defender.

Transport expert  

One of the skills available to the Emperors upon gaining a Governor level. Increases the Caravan Station capacity in all holdings. Level 1: +5% capacity; Level 2: +10% capacity; Level 3: +15% capacity; Level 4: +20% capacity; Level 5: +30% capacity

Transport mission  

Moving resources between annexed provinces via a Caravan Station or main Empirecolony via supply wagons.

Transport unit  

See supply wagon.


Army Unit.
Trained in: Siege Workshop
Prerequisites: Army Drills 15, Siege upgrades 20, Centralization 11

• Type: Ranged, Siege Engine, Artillery
• Priority Deployment: Artillery Line

+ Wall-Cracker: This unit is boosted when attacking a Fortress – Attack x 1.5
+ Long Range: This unit has 3 extra Attacks in Field Battle or Fortress Assault, before melee begins
+ Inaccurate: Attack x 0.15 vs. Infantry, Cavalry, and Siege Engines
+ Scattershot: In Field Battle and Fortress Sacking this unit's Attack is proportionally distributed between all enemy lines, Flanks and Centers (Reserve is immune)
+ Operator Crew: Requires 75 Idle Population to train; occupies 75 vacancies in Garrison.


Distinct Barbarian people, whose culture and customs differentiate them from all other Tribes. Each Tribe has its own army composition and rewards for defeating it.

The currently existing Tribes are:
- Raiders
- Conquerors
- Slavers
- Indigenous


Located in Messages menu >> Tribune tab, this is the alliance conversation room where all members, regardless of the position, can leave instant messages, which are chronologically displayed, as the oldest message is located at the bottom of the window and the newest one – at the top. All new tribune messages appear in a grey envelope in the inbox.


The official adviser in Imperia Online for the very first steps of each player. The adviser helps the sovereign wannabe in getting orientated in the interface and in the main mechanics of the game while giving him/her generous rewards. The tutorial doesn't go forever - the step for garrisoning your troops is the last one. Once finished, the tutorial icon disappears and the player continues on his/her own. Reading the official manual of the game, How to play? (located in the bottom left-hand menu), will help everyone become a real expert in the game and play with self-confidence.